Friday, 7 July 2017

25 Real AF Period Struggles Everyone With A Vagina Has Had

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Sitting up in the morning and feeling the GUSH of blood into your underwear.

1. Having to clean the toilet seat of blood.

2. And then finding old period blood UNDER the toilet seat after you clean it...

3. ...or even on the floor!!

4. Getting a bloodstain on your freshly washed sheets.

5. Sitting up in the morning and feeling the GUSH of blood into your underwear.

Crystal Ro / BuzzFeed

6. Having to double up your pads to try and prevent spillage at night.

7. The unexpected clot that makes you wonder if you’re fuckin’ DYING.

8. Period diarrhea at work/in public.

9. Putting in a tampon and still having bloodstains because it was so bloody.

10. Blood dripping down your hands after taking out a tampon.

Crystal Ro / BuzzFeed

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