Sunday 31 May 2015

22 Struggles Pale People Have During Summer

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Wake me up when autumn arrives.

Feeling unbearably sticky for months on end because you are swimming in sunblock.

Feeling unbearably sticky for months on end because you are swimming in sunblock.

Might as well be drinking it. Damn.


Having to carry your sunblock around with you to re-apply it 162 times a day.

Having to carry your sunblock around with you to re-apply it 162 times a day.

Oh, did it spill all over my beach bag? Cool, cool.

Missing just ONE SPOT while applying sunblock and paying for it later.

Missing just ONE SPOT while applying sunblock and paying for it later.

Forgot to put sunscreen on the tops of my ears and now the tops of my ears are made of lava.

Paramount Pictures

If you're able to tan, you might end up at least two colors (Very White and Less Very White).

What's red and white and tired of this joke?

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