Friday 30 December 2016

22 Quirks British People Don't Realise Are Super Weird

We just love to laugh. Check out the twitter for What's Good?. Providing the best UK entertainment news.

Nobody understands spotted dick.

Using two taps instead of one.

Using two taps instead of one.

This one's easy to explain: We enjoy the performance of moving our hands very fast between the two horrific streams of water. We call it "tap dancing", and if you can do it well it proves you are truly British.

Eating something called spotted dick.

Eating something called spotted dick.

What? It's just something soft and warm to put in your mouth.

Giving weirdly sexual names to food in general.

Giving weirdly sexual names to food in general.

"Fancy a big saucy banger, love, eh? Eh?"

Calling something that is not actually a pudding a pudding.

Calling something that is not actually a pudding a pudding.

For some reason Yorkshire pudding confuses the rest of the world. That's obviously their problem, not ours. / BuzzFeed

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