Saturday 23 April 2016

21 Things That Prove Fucking Hipsters Have Taken Over Scotland

We just love to laugh. Check out the twitter for What's Good?. Providing the best UK entertainment news.

The Bearded Ones have finally made it north of the border.

This "upcycled" cigarette machine aquarium in a Glasgow bar.

This "upcycled" cigarette machine aquarium in a Glasgow bar.

"Does it matter that we can't really see the fish?" "No."

Twitter: @probationboy

An Aberdeen restaurant that serves food in a bin lid.

An Aberdeen restaurant that serves food in a bin lid.

Clatty bastards.

Twitter: @IanelFontanero

And a Glasgow pub that serves its chicken wings in a pissing treasure chest.

And a Glasgow pub that serves its chicken wings in a pissing treasure chest.

"Are we a pirate-themed bar?" "No." "Then why do..." "You're fired."

Twitter: @rogersbenj

Everything about this photo of a cocktail bar in Edinburgh, but particularly the hairdryer light.

Instagram: @hankstrummer

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