30 days of paid holiday leave: thumbs up! Trashcan full of poo-covered toilet paper in the bathroom: noooooooope.
BuzzFeed Brasil explained Brazilian customs to their colleagues in the United States, Canada, and Mexico and asked them to write the first thing that crossed their minds. Thirteen people replied. This is what they said:
Sometimes Brazilians take two baths a day. What do you think about that?
Chris (US): That's a commitment to hygiene.
José Luis H. (Mexico): LOL, some times I don't take a bath all weekend.
Alexis (US): That's OK if it's very hot out and you bathed in the morning, got sweaty, and didn't want to go to bed all dirty. Otherwise it's wasteful!
Elaina (US): I barely take one shower a day, and baths are like a once-in-six-months occasion.
Arianna (US): Who has the time???
Susie (US): I suppose it's very hot where you live, so that makes sense.
Erin (US): It makes sense that people from warmer climates might feel the need to bathe more often. That being said, you water bills must be a nightmare.
Almost everyone in Brazil brings a toothbrush and a toothpaste with them everywhere they go and they brush their teeth at work after lunch. Is that weird to you?
Chris (US): In reality I think it sounds good? But there is no way I remember to bring that stuff with me everywhere.
José Luis H.: (Mexico) That's weird. You all probably have excellent teeth though, your dental hygiene habits are way ahead of us.
Will (US): A little bit but it seems like a good idea. I have a toothbrush at work but feel weird since nobody else does it. So the brush sits unused.
Elaina (US): Not really, but taking selfies whilst doing it is definitely weird.
Susie (US): Good to know, so when I come visit you I can plan accordingly and you won't think I'm disgusting.
Chelsea (US): Yes but I get cavities a lot so really, who's the real dummy?
Monique (US): Once again, Brazil is making us look like a bunch of ragamuffins who don't know what a bar of soap looks like.
Sarah (US): I mean, I should probably take up this habit. We probably all should. Kudos.
Erin (US): I SAW SOMEONE DO THIS WHEN I VISITED THE SAO PAULO OFFICE and I assumed she had a dentist appointment later. It's bad for your teeth to brush more than twice a day! Eat a mint instead.
Brazilian couples sit side by side at restaurants. Thoughts?
José Luis H. (Mexico): It's easier to kiss.
Alexis (US): While there is something to be said for the side-snuggle, pretty much every romantic norm I'm accustomed to rejects this idea. You're supposed to gaze into each others' eyes and clink champagne glasses across the table! Romance is dead in Brazil!
Will (US): This seems normal for a couple to do.
Elaina (US): So do obnoxious American couples. Operative word being obnoxious.
Arianna (US): Love it. 100%.
Susie (US): Kinda sweet.
Driadonna (US): Me and my boo do it all the time. It's more intimate, maybe, but I know it makes the waitress/waiter want to barf.
Monique (US): Don't you want to stare into each others eyes or look at their very freshly brushed smile?
Sarah (US): SAME SIDERS?! No. Go away.
Erin (US): I wish the U.S. would lighten up about this, it's much easier to share food this way.
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