Monday 24 August 2015

19 Questions Britain Has For Germany

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We love you, but you confuse the hell out of us. Could you help us clear a few things up? Questions crowdsourced from the BuzzFeed UK team.

Why do you have to invent a word for literally everything?

Why do you have to invent a word for literally everything?

See also:

Backpfeifengesicht – a face that cries out for a fist in it.
Dreimannerwein – a wine so disgusting that it takes three men to make you drink it.
Treppenwitz – the things you should have said that only occur to you when it is too late.

These are all brilliant words for which we have no equivalent. Stop making the English language look bad.

While we're on the subject, why are your words so long?

While we're on the subject, why are your words so long?

No way is this an actual word that people use. Come on.

Why do your proverbs make no sense?

Why do your proverbs make no sense?

"Die Kuh vom Eis holen" – Get the cow off the ice.
"Klappe zu, Affe tot" – Close the lid, the monkey is dead.
"Da liegt der Hase im Pfeffer" – The rabbit lies in pepper.

Utter nonsense, all of this. And yet, we have to admit, quite delightful. / Via James Chapman

Why do you have such weird insults?

Why do you have such weird insults?

Someone who can’t do anything right is called an “Arschgeige”, which translates as “ass violin”. I mean, it's inventive, sure. But how often is that an appropriate insult to hurl at someone? Ditto "Ihre Mutter säugt Schweine", which means “your mother suckles pigs”.

Thinkstock / Tanner Greenring

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