Friday, 15 May 2015

We Asked Brits To React To American Culture And They Totally Nailed It

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“This is the most American thing I have ever seen in my life.”

We sent 16 uncaptioned photos that represent parts of American culture to BuzzFeed's UK office and asked them to react to what they saw. Fifteen people replied. Here's what they had to say:

Biscuits and gravy:

Biscuits and gravy:

"What is this dish called?"

Rebecca: Mayonnaise scone from my worst nightmares.

Robin: Jizz on scones.

Rossalyn: A scone, filled with some dodgy AF looking mayonnaise?

Declan: Sad poached eggs trying to crawl to a dignified death?

Maggie: A clam vomiting, some delicacy in the South I imagine.

Laura: Scone and soup sandwich.

Bhofack2 / Getty Images

Washington Monument:

Washington Monument:

"What is this?"

Laura: So this is why they say you "erect" a monument. Bloody perverts.

Pat: THE JUSTICE NEEDLE. I feel free looking at it.

Alex: I think this is the Washington Monument? It makes me feel horny.

Tom C.: That's the Washington Pointy Phallus, and it makes me swell and burst with pride.

Robin: The Washington Monument. It was built by the Illuminati to commemorate Denzel's stunning performance in Remember the Titans.

Paul J. Richards / Getty Images

Corn dogs:

Corn dogs:

"What is this?"

Pat: Fried banana? Fried balloon? Fried SOMETHING?

Rob: Something that really didn't need a stick in it.

Alex: Is this what corn dogs look like? I've always wondered what corn dogs look like.

Flo: CORN DOGS. Not actually dogs made from corn, very misleading. But definitely would eat when drunk.

Tom P.: Fuck knows. Definitely not food. Jesus, look at it.

Ju-lee / Getty Images

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