Tuesday 26 May 2015

84 Thoughts I Had While Watching Episode 7, Season 5 Of "Game Of Thrones"

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The theme of this season is: Let’s see how much worse we can make Sansa’s life. SPOILERS AHEAD.


1. If this episode doesn't start with Sansa murdering Ramsay, I don't want to watch it.
2. I forgot how pissed off I was at Cersei from the last episode.
3. Oh right, and we're still looking that good ol' cock merchant for Tyrion.
4. Yeah time to light that damn candle, Sansa.


5. Every time they show Winterfell it just reminds me of why I moved from the East Coast.
6. Does an episode with Sam go by where he doesn't mention the ONE brave thing he did?

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