Friday, 29 May 2015

27 Quirky Websites You Never Knew You Needed

We just love to laugh. Check out the twitter for What's Good?. Providing the best UK entertainment news.

Painting with sloths >>>>>>> working.

Find out if the dog in the movie lives or dies.

Find out if the dog in the movie lives or dies.

An incredibly useful site that tells you if a dog dies in a movie, i.e., if you will burst into uncontrollable tears and have your evening ruined. It's here.

Have a relaxing 60-second meditation right in your browser.

Have a relaxing 60-second meditation right in your browser.

Type your worries into and watch them silently float into HTML ether. It's here.

Achieve the ultimate chillax by painting with light.

Achieve the ultimate chillax by painting with light.

A soothing site that lets you doodle with majestic light paintbrushes. It's here.

Find your new favorite book.

Find your new favorite book.

WhatShouldIReadNext is the Pandora of literature: Type in your favorite book, and the database of user-submitted titles will suggest something for you to tackle next. It's here.

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