Wednesday 7 March 2018

28 Fictional Couples That Should Have Ended Up Together

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Note: We only chose couples from shows and movies that, as far as we know, have concluded. 🚨Spoilers ahead!🚨

Jack and Rose (Titanic)

Jack and Rose (Titanic)

"Why couldn’t Rose get on the lifeboat? Then, when Jack landed in the water he could have been on the floating wood, and then they could've found each other after!"

"A true tragedy."

Paramount Pictures

Robin and Barney (How I Met Your Mother)

Robin and Barney (How I Met Your Mother)

"He respected her and loved her for who she was and even gave up the idea of having his own kids to be with her. Meanwhile, Ted told her that she needed to be less independent because 'some guys like to feel needed' and made her give up her dogs because he was jealous that she dated guys before him."

"The last few seasons highlighting the ups and downs of Barney and Robin's relationship felt so right. They grew into each other and made the other their priority. Their divorce wasn't fleshed out enough and went back on all of their character development."

"It’s been almost five years and I’m still pissed about the finale."


Katniss and Gale (The Hunger Games)

Katniss and Gale (The Hunger Games)

"They were perfect for each other, goddangit!"

"The fact Katniss ended up with Peeta and not Gale REALLY annoys me."

"She should not have ended up with Peeta, she did not love him as he loved her."


Shawn and Angela (Boy Meets World)

Shawn and Angela (Boy Meets World)

"They had shared interests and connected over similar issues with their families. Even though they had difficulty confronting their feelings for each other, they understood one another better than anyone else ever could. All hope was lost after their storyline concluded in Girl Meets World, and I will forever be sad that they didn’t end up together!"

Buena Vista Television

Beca and Chloe (Pitch Perfect)

Beca and Chloe (Pitch Perfect)

"They are repeatedly put in 'will they/won’t they' situations and are used for queer baiting."

"Even Anna Kendrick and Brittany Snow shipped them!"

Universal Pictures

Buffy and Angel (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Buffy and Angel (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

"They loved each other more than anything or anyone and how their romance ended was heartbreaking. I still think they're the greatest couple ever."

"He was obviously still in love with her and vice versa, judging on the amount of times they showed up to save one another. I’m sure there was SOME spell that’s like a condom, but instead of preventing STDs and pregnancy, it prevents him from turning into a murderous beast."


Phoebe and Joey (Friends)

Phoebe and Joey (Friends)

"Although I love Mike, Joey and Phoebe should have gotten together and I'm still a little sad they never really did."

"I know they weren't actually a couple, but they should have been! They had a special connection and just got each other. Matt LeBlanc and Lisa Kudrow even pitched to the show's execs an idea that they had been sleeping together the whole time. How perfect would that have been?"


Rachel and Joey (Friends)

Rachel and Joey (Friends)

"The buildup to their brief relationship was fantastic, but then they killed it by deciding it was awkward. It didn't have to be, writers! Ross is the worst and deserved to be alone."

"Ross was whiny, selfish, and SO insecure! Joey and Rachel had such a sweet connection."

"God, I hate Ross."


Elio and Oliver (Call Me by Your Name)

Elio and Oliver (Call Me by Your Name)

"Their relationship was so raw and real, but on the other hand, the reason the story resonated so deeply with me was because it was about losing your first love."

Sony Pictures Classics

Kevin and Winnie (The Wonder Years)

Kevin and Winnie (The Wonder Years)

"All that build up so they can write letters to each other as adult friends? Hell nah."


Stefan and Elena (The Vampire Diaries)

Stefan and Elena (The Vampire Diaries)

"Despite everything the world threw at them, they trusted each other and their love knew no boundaries. They brought out the best versions of each other and would sacrifice everything for one another. They are the most beautiful love story and deserved so much better." —carolync4178cbdc3


Emily and Maya (Pretty Little Liars)

Emily and Maya (Pretty Little Liars)

"Every girlfriend after was a total letdown and undeserving of sweet, beautiful Emily. Maya brought her out of her shell and helped her blossom."


Sam and Diane (Cheers)

Sam and Diane (Cheers)

"There were times when their relationship was chaotic, but above all else, Sam and Diane loved each other. I will never believe that Sam would've been happier with the bar than with Diane. WHY'D THEY HAVE TO BREAK MY HEART?"


Pocahontas and John Smith (Pocahontas)

Pocahontas and John Smith (Pocahontas)

"I know what actually happened to Pocahontas was terrible, but I felt that in the Disney fictional story she should have ended up with John Smith."

"Disney, you shat on history in the first one, why couldn’t you have done that in the second one? John Rolfe was the most boring basic white boi."


Serena and Nate (Gossip Girl)

Serena and Nate (Gossip Girl)

"They were such good friends their whole lives and he loved her from the start. He treated her better than anyone ever did and they were the cutest together. Dan, on the other hand, basically tried to destroy them. What a creepy jerk to do that to your 'friends' and the woman you supposedly 'love'."

"I’m sorry but the world was ROBBED OF ALL HAPPINESS when Nate and Serena didn’t end up together. I rest my case." —oliviam4982aeb33


Tara and Willow (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Tara and Willow (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

"The most I've ever cried in my whole life is when Tara died. Twillow was the first gay relationship I aspired to have, and it broke my heart that she was HIGHKEY SHOT THROUGH THE HEART. Tara deserved better."

"No one played love better than Alyson Hannigan on that show, and she lost so much and I wanted her to be truly happy. I wept."


Brooke and Lucas (One Tree Hill)

Brooke and Lucas (One Tree Hill)

"Lucas was the first guy to see Brooke for something more than just an easy lay. Brooke brought out the fun in Lucas."

"If any couple should have ended up together, it should have been Brooke and Lucas. To this day, the fact that he chose Peyton breaks my heart." —alexiselizabethp


Mia and Sebastian (La La Land)

Mia and Sebastian (La La Land)

"I will never get over the fact that they didn’t end up with each other. They need each other!"

"Gets me every time."

Summit Entertainment

Annie and Jeff (Community)

Annie and Jeff (Community)

"They had such good chemistry, and not in an annoying 'will they/won’t they' way. Watching them flirt and crush on each other reminded me of every random infatuation I had in college."

"OTP, they deserved so much better!"


Katara and Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

Katara and Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

"1. Sexual tension since season one. 2. Katara was the first to believe that Zuko could be good. 3. Zuko helped her get closure after her mother’s death. 4. He confided in her about his mother’s disappearance and his guilt over betraying his uncle. 5. HE ALMOST DIED SAVING HER FROM HIS SISTER. Enough said."

"The writers even said that originally they were suppose to end up together. It would have been perfection."


Andie and Duckie (Pretty in Pink)

Andie and Duckie (Pretty in Pink)

"Our boy Duckie deserved better."

"Why she chose that butthead Blane after how he treated her, I will never know."

Paramount Pictures

Eric and Sookie (True Blood)

Eric and Sookie (True Blood)

"Their chemistry was sizzling and I loved watching how their characters grew and actually formed a deep connection over the course of the series. All their scenes together were fire."

"He was flawed and evil, that's true, but Bill was so much worse! At least Eric truly cared about Sookie, and they really did love each other. And in the end she doesn't end up with either of them, only to marry some guy we never met."


Mike and Susan (Desperate Housewives)

Mike and Susan (Desperate Housewives)

"They battled for nine seasons through SO MUCH and then he just gets shot? No. Thank. You."


Jack and Ennis (Brokeback Mountain)

Jack and Ennis (Brokeback Mountain)

"Countless tears. I'm fine. Everything is fine."

Focus Features

Kimberly and Tommy (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)

Kimberly and Tommy (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)

"They belonged together!"


Jackie and Hyde (That '70s Show)

Jackie and Hyde (That '70s Show)

"She was less self-centered and he was more genuine and affectionate when they were a couple. HE WAS READY TO PROPOSE. Then he randomly married a stripper? And Jackie ends up with Fez? It made ZERO SENSE."

"They had so much chemistry and history. Then they just threw Fez and Jackie together. It just didn't feel right."

"I will forever hate and never understand how Jackie and Hyde didn't end up together."


Hermione and Draco (Harry Potter)

Hermione and Draco (Harry Potter)

"Ron is great, but he was way too immature for Hermione. Draco, however, is much more mature, and would be a mystery that Hermione would love to figure out. Plus, they have so much chemistry! Not like Ron, with the emotional range of a teaspoon.

"He was always a misunderstood character. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a coward for sure, but it’s not his fault the way he was raised. She is such an understanding and kind person. I like it."

"#Dramione forever!"

Warner Bros.

Hermione and Harry (Harry Potter)

Hermione and Harry (Harry Potter)

"J.K. Rowling herself said that Harry and Hermione should have ended up together and the fact that they didn't still makes me so mad. Ron is absolutely terrible to Hermione and suffers from some serious anger issues and to see people romanticizing their relationship is just sickening."

"They were always meant to be together."

"Ron is too immature, and not enough of an intellectual challenge for her. Not to mention his lack of emotional depth."

Warner Bros.

Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.


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