Thursday 2 February 2017

23 Of The Pettiest Things People Have Ever Done In A Relationship

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Hurt people hurt people.

Sunday night Catholicism.

Sunday night Catholicism.

"My boyfriend wouldn’t let me watch a show on the big TV because football. He didn’t know that my phone worked as a remote, so I kept changing it to the Catholic channel right as someone was going to score." —meganh4623b02ca

"I told my ex that I didn’t love him, I never did, he's a major asshole, and I was going to break up with him ASAP, but I said it all in Spanish. He doesn’t understand Spanish, and he said I was cute and he liked it when I 'talk the sexy language' to him. I broke up with him three days later." —rcdpowers1999

"My husband is a big fan of the New Orleans Saints and had a beloved Joe Horn jersey. I don’t recall the circumstances of our argument, but I made my way to his closet with an industrial-size Sharpie and neatly printed a 'Y' on the jersey. We resolved our differences and I forgot about it until I got a call from him on his lunch break months later. He told me he had gotten strange looks from co-workers all day and someone asked if he thought he was being funny. He was directed to a mirror and informed that he had been wearing a HORNY jersey at his office’s Sports Day. OOOPS!" —madzam231

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