Friday, 13 January 2017

17 Passive-Aggressive People Who Are More Savage Than You

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People are wild.


"In college I lived with my best friend, and her boyfriend was always over. I'd find pubes all over the sink, which I secretly hoped were from his face, so eventually I started picking up the hairs and placing them in my friend's pillow case. They broke up soon after, and she said she thought he was weird because 'he was putting his pubes in her pillowcase.' I didn’t tell her it was me."


"I shared an apartment with two people: a friend who had a ferret, and a girl I found on Craigslist. One night, my friend and I were out, and her ferret escaped from its cage. So it was just running around our apartment, pooping everywhere, and when we got back, the other roommate had gone to every little poop pile, leaving notes with angry messages."


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