Wednesday 27 April 2016

We Asked 12 Non-Scots To Label A Map Of Scotland And They Were Fucking Useless

We just love to laugh. Check out the twitter for What's Good?. Providing the best UK entertainment news.

“Wicker Man Island”? WTF?

I'll tell you what's not worth the effort, pal: London.

I'll tell you what's not worth the effort, pal: London.

Hilary Mitchell / BuzzFeed

This one's either bona fide art, or the work of someone who's taken a large quantity of hallucinogenic drugs.

This one's either bona fide art, or the work of someone who's taken a large quantity of hallucinogenic drugs.

Hilary Mitchell / BuzzFeed

This person missed an opportunity to rename Arran "Ballsack Island".

This person missed an opportunity to rename Arran "Ballsack Island".

Hilary Mitchell / BuzzFeed

Turns out that Scotland's actually afloat on a sea of Buckfast. Nice.

Turns out that Scotland's actually afloat on a sea of Buckfast. Nice.

Hilary Mitchell / BuzzFeed

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