Friday 15 April 2016

22 Pictures Of Food Packaging That Will Fuck You Off So Much

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*sigh* If only bananas came with a protective skin on them…

Honestly, it's such a shame bananas don't have a protective skin on them.

Honestly, it's such a shame bananas don't have a protective skin on them.

thenamenononehas / Via

Because it's just a damn tragedy that you can't sell a banana without putting it in a plastic bag.

Because it's just a damn tragedy that you can't sell a banana without putting it in a plastic bag.

Lovely sweaty banana.

@ceyyceyy / Via Twitter: @ceyyceyy

It's so good that these micro potatoes have been shrink-wrapped, because there's physically no way to get rid of the skin.

It's so good that these micro potatoes have been shrink-wrapped, because there's physically no way to get rid of the skin.

Maybe one day mankind will invent a way to get the muddy skin off potatoes.

Twitter: @wmyeoh

And these delicate sweet potatoes needed plastic to protect them from the harshness of the outside world.

And these delicate sweet potatoes needed plastic to protect them from the harshness of the outside world.

Twitter: @MiyabiCharcoal

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