Monday, 7 December 2015

People Paid $2 To See 30 Seconds Of Ed Sheeran In The Creepiest Peep Show Ever

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“That’s the best f*#%ing $2 I’ve ever spent!”

While in Australia, Ed Sheeran was set-up in a very special "peep show" where punters were charged $2 for an intimate 30-second show.

Radio presenters Hamish and Andy set Ed up in the dingiest little space, complete with "LIVE PEEP NOW" signs.

Radio presenters Hamish and Andy set Ed up in the dingiest little space, complete with "LIVE PEEP NOW" signs.

Leaving an incognito Hamish stationed outside in an attempt to lure the public into their ~peep show~ for a quick peek at the man himself.

Leaving an incognito Hamish stationed outside in an attempt to lure the public into their ~peep show~ for a quick peek at the man himself.

Unfortunately for all involved, Hamish wasn't really doing the best job - leaving Ed sitting there for almost two hours before their first clients!

Unfortunately for all involved, Hamish wasn't really doing the best job - leaving Ed sitting there for almost two hours before their first clients!

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