Sunday, 15 March 2015

11 Things You Never Knew About Sleep Orgasms

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Consider them a gift from the slumber gods.

Jenny Chang / BuzzFeed

Women can have sleep orgasms pretty much anytime.

Women can have sleep orgasms pretty much anytime.

Yep, ladies can have wet dreams, too, and they’re not limited to puberty. A 1986 study in the Journal of Sex Research found that 37% of women in their study had experienced one — and that was just a small sample of college women… in the 80s.

Castle Rock Entertainment / Via

Dudes are more likely to have them when they’re not sexually active.

Dudes are more likely to have them when they’re not sexually active.

Wet dreams are way more common during puberty and adolescence, before a guy is regularly masturbating or having sex, Madeleine Castellanos, M.D., sex therapist and author of Wanting To Want , tells BuzzFeed Life. But it’s possible — yet unlikely — than it can happen to older guys, too.

Disney / Via

When guys have them, they’re called nocturnal emissions or wet dreams.

When guys have them, they’re called nocturnal emissions or wet dreams.

This is when a guy actually ejaculates in his sleep. There’s not a ton of research on exactly how common it is, but most men can anecdotally tell you that this is definitely a thing (at least during puberty). A 1982 study in the Journal of Sex Education and Therapy noted that it’s a sex topic that’s not really discussed or understood all that much.

Universal Pictures / Via

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